Active 24/24h
+39 339.585.68.22

Genre : Nature

Every day it is increasingly clear how our actions, even the smallest, have an impact on the world we live in. The way we eat, what we move with, the clothes we wear all have a weight and consequences on the environment. We have created Stories/Journeys that show us what would happen if we lived in different ways or what could be alternative technologies albeit in the Past. Investigations using Artificial Intelligence and computerized Topographic Maps have allowed us to discover fantastic territories that have never-told stories; always with a central approach on the theme from the first to the last day of the stay.

10-santo cappelletta

Trip 1

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Ai Love Tourism
Via Admiral Millo, 9
70011 – Alberobello (BA) – Italy

Mobile: +39.339.58.56.822

VAT number: 08482010728

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