When we talk about Territory we are interested, particularly, in its forms and function within our individual lives.
It goes without saying that Tourism is equally linked to the Territory in its most intimate characteristics. Among the most obvious characteristics of the latter are precisely its forms and, in particular, its forms due to the phenomenon of Karstism.
Looking at cliffs, cliffs and ravines of limestone rocks in the Apulian territory, pretending to be cameras with a “macro” function, we notice how repetitive geometric shapes. Small footprints: now, square in shape; now, triangular .
Projecting this insight into an infinite or, at the very least, vast space we will have a Sierpinski Space, often called: SIERPINSKI RUG .
One of the first fractals studied and used, even today, in various branches of science : Cartography , Cryptography, Mathematical modeling. It is named after its originator .
Wacław Franciszek Sierpiński
(1882-1969) was a Polish mathematician. He made important discoveries in set theory, number theory, analysis and topologies, publishing more than 700 papers and 50 books. He also invented many famous fractals, including the Sierpinski triangle, the Sierpinski carpet and the Sierpinski curve.
Sierpinski numbers are odd k natural numbers such that k-2n+1 are compounded for every natural number n. The Sierpinski problem is to find the smallest Sierpinski numbers. The smallest known number is 78,557 – but it is not yet known whether there are any smaller ones.
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Sierpinski Triangle
We also talked about fractals about dry stone walls, please read the reference article here
Among the first fractals studied, a place of honor is held by the so-called Sierpinski triangle (or Sierpinski’s Gerla), named after the mathematician who first studied its properties. It is a very simple fractal to obtain even by elementary geometric means.
From a strictly geometric point of view it is generated with a series of removals. One starts with a solid square (fig. 2) from which one removes a small square with a side equal to half the initial square, so as to obtain figure 3, formed by three squares. From each of these squares you remove the bottom right square and obtain a figure consisting of nine squares (fig. 4). In this way you continue each time until you arrive at the final result.
In the following figures we can observe the first 6 steps required to obtain the fractal.
We find examples of Sierpinski Triangles in the ceiling of several Romanesque churches, where this geometric motif has an almost magical and hypnotic repetition.
come costruire Triangolo Sierpinski
Carsism and Sierpinski Carpet … a Cultural Tourism
Without going far, however, we could simply look at the rock of a cliff and, if we went into detail, we could find a three-dimensional repetition of Sierpinski triangles repeating themselves in small units and with a large number generating macroscopic and self-constructing shapes .
More confirmation of how Mathematics is an instrument that, almost unintentionally retraces and bears witness to the grand stage that is Nature and the Territory.
This ossrvation is even more profound if we go so far as to observe so many natural structures, around Us . A Tourism that can be based on the identification of land forms that have been analyzed by Mathematics is a suggestion to bring for the creation of "experiential" packages that have not yet been, even, hypothesized.
A.I.LoveTourism presents a Tour in Apulia presenting Mathematical Itineraries in Apulia . WATCH BELOW. ( Italian language )
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Alberobello, Bari. ( Italy )
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